Sustainability for international markets and real life examples


Topic Presentation: Sustainability for international markets and real life examples   Description of Subject: Becoming sustainable for international markets Increasingly local businesses, especially those that operate in an international environment are faced with actions about sustainability and climate. It's either their suppliers, customers, or brand owners that expect them to be more sustainable. For example,

Developing the IT Service Sector into becoming the 4th Economic Pillar for Curaçao


Topic Presentation: Developing the IT Service Sector into becoming the 4th Economic Pillar for Curaçao   Speakers: Danilo Zabala Blue Nap Americas   Bio Danilo Zabala Danilo Zabala is the Chief Operating Officer of Dataplanet N.V., doing-business-as, Blue NAP Americas, where he oversees the overall operation and strategy of the company.  He became COO in

Bridging Financial Borders: Empowering Curacao Exporters to receive regional and international payments locally


Title of Presentation: Bridging Financial Borders: Empowering Curacao Exporters to receive regional and international payments locally Description of Subject: The significance of receiving payments from your clients. Through e-commerce businesses can significantly improve their operations by applying more effective sales methods that help with better customer reach and an expanded client base, and through the

2024 FATF evaluation Curaçao – The economic importance, business opportunities and threats


Topic Presentation: 2024 FATF evaluation Curaçao - The economic importance, business opportunities and threats   Description of Subject: Cayman Island has been on the FATF "Grey List" for over a year now. Being on a grey list does have real-world impacts on businesses in those jurisdictions. During the presentation Benno will explain more about the

Is Our Advertising Campaign Legally Compliant?


Topic Presentation: Is Our Advertising Campaign Legally Compliant?   Description of Subject: Overlooking compliance with advertising laws and regulations when promoting products and services cannot only lead to the advertisement being banned but can also result in a fine and damages. The presentation will give a general overview of legal considerations when launching an advertising

Training on the use of Trade map/ Market Access Map/ Export Potential Map for exporters


Title of Presentation: Trade Map/Market Access Map training for Curaçaon exporters Description of Subject: You are invited to join a 90-minute introductory webinar that will focus on ITC’s flagship market analysis tools, namely, Trade Map, Market Access Map, and Export Potential Map. The session will start on time at 08.00 Curaçao time. Two ITC Trainers Katerina BLANCHARD JOKLOVA will guide

Accessing International Finance: Securing funding and investment for export expansion/ RVO Instruments for Exports – SIB and DHI

Kolab Curaçao 6A Langestraat, Willemstad, Curaçao

Title of Presentation: Accessing International Finance: Securing funding and investment for export expansion/ RVO Instruments for Exports - SIB and DHI Topics to be discussed: What can The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) do for you? Customized country information and Support Subsidy: Support International Business (SIB) and demonstratieprojecten, haalbaarheidsstudies en investeringsvoorbereidingsstudies (DHI subsidy). Bio Mrs. Soelan

Legal and Compliance Aspects: Navigating International Contracts and Agreements


Topic Presentation: The untapped potential of exporting natural assets   Description of Subject: Topics to be discussed: Understanding international contracts Understanding ’proper law’ Contracts for the sale of goods Contracts for the sale of services Negotiating in other business cultures Responsible Business Conduct Meeting international standards Protecting IP rights Resolving disputes